Tuesday, July 20, 2010

These are some serious bibliophiles and I dig it.

My friend Emily emailed me the other day about this site.  I hadn't had a chance to look at it until tonight.  And it was very timely since earlier today my boss was just bragging about his newly cleaned off bookshelves in his office.  It made me think I need to get to work on the ones in my house.

At any rate, these are some spectacular shelves/book arrangements.  I think Emily loves books as much as I love thinking about decorating.  So, needless to say, the name of the site is fitting for her - Bookshelf Porn.  Thanks to Emily for turning me on to it.  Ha ha. Get it?

Enough.  Look at the beauty of these books:

This was my personal favorite image.  Not sure how they did this but awesome nonetheless.
I feel like I'm looking at the set of the next Harry Potter movie.  Oh if only they would hurry up with that and NOT split it into two parts.  Annoying.  I digress...
This was Emily's favorite.  I bet I know why.  It kind of looks like it is on a boat, doesn't it?  Emily loves boats almost as much as books.  Or is it vice versa? 

You know how much I love a ladder in a library.
Oh yes, another ladder!

Secret passageway a la Clue.  Love it.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You are so funny! I didn't even think about that room looking like a boat - I just loved that it was two levels, plus the cozy curtained reading nook, the random natural history specimens on the table, the clock, and the industrial looking light fixtures... come to think of it, those look kind of boat-ish, huh? Anyway, the fact that you love a ladder in a library is why the website made me think of you in the first place. :)

    I love that old radiator + big window combo in the third-to-last image, too. And that ceiling!!


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