Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Lots of Lime Juice (or lemon...)

My husband never ceases to amaze me.  Sometimes I wonder how he would get  by in life if I wasn't doing things to keep this house going (watering plants, taking out the garbage, buying paper towels and cleaning supplies - just to name a few).  And then, he'll just come out with this tip that is so "DUH!" but so helpful.

My favorite one still is when he taught me that if you put a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won't boil over.  I blogged about that here.

Then the other night we were making pork tacos and they marinade for the pork takes about a zillion limes.  I rolled the lime a few times under my hand to try to extract the juices and I could hardly get any juice out despite my little trick.  I told my husband he was going to have to roll the limes around because I clearly wasn't pressing had enough.

And that's when he said, "Don't you know?  Just pop it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds."  And dang if that didn't work like a miracle - the juice came pouring out of that babies after that!

Images via here.

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