Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the...Table

The master bedroom isn't the smallest room in our tiny rental house but when you toss in a king size bed (which only very nearly made it up the stairs when we moved in), it doesn't leave much room for the bedside tables. I adore the two I got from the Design House in Lucketts (if you haven't been, you need to get there asap).

I'm interested in getting some similar tables - possibly as side tables in the living room to flank my new couch. I'm not sure what is better about these dainty, little tables - how pretty they are or how affordable they are. Here are a few I am considering:

This one from Wisteria is very similar to the ones I got (a little pricier than my bargain from Lucketts but still a good deal).
The next two also double as trays - handy for serving drinks, appetizers, or (yeah, right) breakfast in bed. This one is from Horchow.

This one is from the Mermaid Hut:

This "Through the Looking Glass Table" from Wisteria (don't you love the name?) is oh so budget friendly (only $79 bucks!). I've been eyeing it for a while and it might just have to be mine.

1 comment:

  1. "Love it looks exactly
    Colors beautiful" canvas painting manufacturer
    I just LOVE this painting! Up close it’s a little overwhelming, but I hung it over the basement stairs so we look at it from my dining room table about 15’ away. original art oil on canvas


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