I never realized how much I love nightlights. It must run in my family because every relative we visited over the past three days (which I assure you, the number was considerable) had a nightlight up in some room of their house - even my brother.
When I decorate for Christmas, I always put my vintage Christmas bubble light up in my bathroom and I love the bubbly, happy glow it shines over everything. I also realize that when I get up in the middle of the night, it sure is comforting to see that glow without having to turn on all the overhead lights.
I found some on ebay similar to the one I have (missing the really cool Rudolph ornament I have hanging off of mine):
Soon, (but not until after New Year's!) I'll have to take my Christmas decorations down which means my night light is gonna get put away. So, I've decided I'm in the market for a replacement non-holiday night light.
My grandmother has one like this with the gold plated leaf which is kind of cool but probably a little too grandmother-esque.
I love this sock monkey light but probably would be cuter in a kids room than my bathroom. Somebody I know with a little boy (ahem, Leslie) needs to buy this for their kid's room.
So, the ones I've found that are actual contenders for me are...
1. The Seashell Night Light (although maybe I should save this one for my beach house...)

2. The Tin Star Night Light (Part of me thinks this may be too country and then the other part thinks it would be really pretty lit up at night).

In my quest I also found this one. Why would anyone make a night light that would give you nightmares?
Superb blog with fantastic content. decorative night lights