Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Daily Dose of Art

A few weeks ago I discovered a new website that I've come to really enjoy - The Daily Painter's Gallery.  I am a firm believer that art work is not only a very personal thing that can really pull together a room in your house but also something that doesn't have to cost a fortune.  You just have to know what moves you and what you can afford - or save up for big ticket items!

Anyway, I discovered The Daily Painter's Gallery which is a great place to see artists work on a daily basis when they create their art.  You can either visit the site and scroll through the pages of each day or you can sign up for a daily email that has thumbnails of all of the art (usually about 25 paintings) so that you can quickly scan and see if there is anything you want to examine more closely.  Most of the paintings are for sale and are available on the artists' individual website, included on the gallery info page. 

Here are just a few from the past few days that caught my attention (and no, they aren't all food, I am just STARVING and my husband hasn't come home from work yet so I have a while longer to wait...):

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