Friday, January 19, 2018

Snoooooooow Day

Raleigh had a fairly decent snow this week - about five or so inches.  And, of course with snow means no school.  And no gym open. And no children's activities open.  My husband has been in Boston so I've been flying solo with the kids this week. 

My husband travels for work all week every week so being home with the kids on my own is no biggie but we are extremely active most of the time.  Usually the only time we are at home is in the early afternoon at what used to be nap time.  Now only one kid naps and I make the other one have quiet time so I can have a few minutes to myself.  But the snow has had us entirely housebound.  And I am proud to say that not only did we survive, I think we had a pretty good time! 

Day one: a civilized breakfast followed by Gray's usual routine of dismantling all of the spices in my pantry on the racks she can reach.  Yesterday was so funny because after the fifth time or so that she did it, I heard Forrest say, "Gray, clean this mess up.  You are driving me crazy!"  Hmmm, I wonder where he got that from...

My friend Reeves gave the kids the Snowman movie for Christmas and they loved it.  I could hardly believe they both sat still to watch it!!

We did lots of arts and crafts.  Stringing fruit loops onto pipe cleaners was a big hit with Forrest (baby Gray ate all hers after dumping them all over the floor).

We even managed to start a little Valentine's project.

By late afternoon we were getting hard up for activities (clearly):

So, we spent an extra long time in the bath to kill some time that evening...

And then on day two, the snow stopped dumping down and we got to head outside!  Both of my kids have seen snow but I think this is the first time they were old enough to really "get it".   Like everything else in this world, most of the snow ended up in baby Gray's mouth.

And just to keep things real, there was an epic meltdown by baby Gray when she was forced to quit eating said snow and come inside.

The snow tired everybody out and we all took a little nap that afternoon.  Even this guy!

Thankfully after a little nap, she was back to her old self again.

And they could go back to destroying my house again...

My snow days sure have changed over the years.  My friends know that I used to wish harder than anyone for a snow day.  And then after kids, snow was a whole different ball game.  Snow days no longer mean binge watching tv and day drinking by a fire.  It now means entertaining cooped up kiddos and everyone going stir crazy while you try to hold on to a shred of your sanity.  It means hearing people scream mommy every 25 seconds for no reason.   And lots of whining and crying.  But there was also a ton of giggling, dancing, jumping and wiggling happening over here. And I wouldn't change any of it for the world.  I know years from now when my kids are grown up, I will yearn for the time I got to spend with them.  So, despite this crazy, cooped up, exhausting time, I am focused on loving every minute of it. 

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh out loud!! Really... love every minute of the mess, the chaos and the cuddles.
