Monday, April 19, 2010

A few good things

I'm back.  My sweet grandmother had a stroke on Wednesday and I've been in Norfolk, VA at the hospital with her.  She's doing a little better and we were able to move her out of ICU and for that I am so thankful.  It's been a rough past four days having to see her deal with the effects of the stroke but I'm trying to stay positive - something that is hard for me as a naturally pessimistic person!

So, that being said, here are some things that I'm thankful for.

1.  Emery.  My friend Reeves had a beautiful baby girl, Emery, on Friday.  Everyone is healthy and happy.  Here she is modeling her hat that Aunt Cameron knit for her.  You can see the before pictures (of the hat, not the baby) here.

2.  Guinness.  No, not the beer; the dog.  My cousin Beau got a little beautiful puppy named Guinness.  At 12 weeks he is already bigger than my dog.  There's something so happy feeling about a puppy.

3.  Family.  The blessing that came out of my time in Norfolk with my grandmother was being with my family.  We are all communicating and talking regularly and working through this together.  My grandmother would be so proud.  Actually, I think she can hear us but she just can't speak.  I'm sure we'll get an earful about this later if the therapy works...

4. Junk.  I was taking the pup for his afternoon walk and came across this little table thrown out by the curb.  Haven't figured out exactly what I'm going to do with it yet but I'll keep you posted.  I'm sure I looked crazy walking down the street carrying this along with the dog on the leash.

5.  Friends.  I've been so blessed by everyone checking in with me and thinking of my family, especially my grandmother.

I hope you had a good weekend and that you have lots to be thankful for! 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back - sorry to hear about your Grandmother, but I'm glad she's improving! We've had some G'ma drama in our family lately too. Oh my goodness, how cute is Emery in your beautiful hat? Isn't she the most precious thing? Hope you get to visit in person soon.
